Peras escalfadas
- Tempo total 20 min
- 10 min
Tempo de preparação - 10 min
Tempo de cozedura - 0 min
Tempo de arrefecimento
6 pessoas
6 *Conference pears
60 cl *Water
1.5 cl sop *Vanilla extract
2 *Cinnamon stick
1.5 *Lemon juice
300 g *Caster sugar
6 cl sop *Whipped cream
Passo 1 /4
*Prepare the ingredients.
Passo 2 /4
*Place the pears, water, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice and sugar in the bowl.
Passo 3 /4
*Pressure cooking
Passo 4 /4
*Remove the pears. Leave to cool. Serve with whipped cream.