Nuggets de legumes
- Tempo total 35 min
- 25 min
Tempo de preparação - 10 min
Tempo de cozedura - 0 min
Tempo de arrefecimento
6 pessoas
150 g *Carrots (about 1.5 carrots)
240 g *Broccoli florets
0.75 *Onion
0.75 dentes *Garlic
105 g *Grated cheddar
1.5 *Egg
150 g *Flour
3 cl sop *Olive oil
240 g *Breadcrumbs
3 cl sop *Paprika
Grade removível
Passo 1 /6
*Peel the carrots and cut them into large slices. Wash the broccoli then cut it into small florets. Peel the onion and garlic and cut them into large chunks.
Passo 2 /6
*Put the broccoli, carrot, onion, garlic, cheddar, eggs, flour and oil into a blender. Blend together until smooth. Set the nugget batter aside in a bowl.
Passo 3 /6
*In another bowl, mix the breadcrumbs and paprika together, then pour onto a large plate.
Passo 4 /6
*Using two tablespoons or wet hands, shape the nuggets and place them in the breadcrumbs. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the top of the nuggets, then, using your hands, sprinkle them all over the surface. Gently press down to help the breadcrumbs stick to them.
Passo 5 /6
*Place the nuggets in the Easy Fry using the standard tray. Space them out evenly. Set on the NUGGETS programme at 200°C for 10 minutes.
Passo 6 /6
*Serve hot or cold with a sauce of your choice.